Sunday, February 8, 2009

Stimulas bill far from perfect, Obama Says

The stimulas package that Obama has put together isn't going over to well with Republicans, they say that it is too much money. That their isn't enough of a tax cut, and the money for education. Obama was saying that the new stimulas package isn't perfect, but it will help out where it can. The Senate is reviewing the bill, so far over 108 billion dollars is taken out of the package. The package that Obama wanted to hopefully pass was 937 billion dollars and now it is 827 billion. Saying that these economic times are as bad as the Great Depression.

I think that this is too much money. Yes we need the economy to get better but you are going to put more one into the nation debt. Even though the whole goal is to get money back into to economy and have consumers buying more. It is to much. In the long run it will help, but right now, when we have a new President who wants to change the economy, he is starting out to fast. He has 4 years to change the U.S. he can't do in the first year or to. But the good thing about this bill is that is looking at giving money back to schools. Which is very good because education needs the funding to get the books that the students need. So by giving the states money to spend on education, they are helping out all over the country.

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