Friday, April 17, 2009

Obama 'We can move U.S.-Cuban relations in a new direction'

While at the Summit of the Americas, President Obama and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez talked about the relations between their two contries and relations with Cuba. Cuba was the talked about a lot, and Obama recently loosened the restrictions to Americans who have family in Cuba. They can go see them and send money to them now. This came a day after Cuba said it would do everything possible to discuss the issues between the two countries. The tension started in 1962 when we put a trade embargo on goods from Cuba, from that things got worse. But Obama wants to change this relationship, and President Chavez thinks that the relations could end up getting better.

I like the idea that Obama is trying to improve the rift between the U.S. and Cuba. The past is the past and we should try to improve the way we handle international relations. It is good that President Chavez is helping to make this happen for our two countries and that Cuba is willing to listen to what we have to say. Also that Obama is changing the relations because they have been unchanged since the embargo in 1962. Change is good and that is what Obama's campaingn solgan was 'Change.' He said he was going to change many things and he is living up to that by helping the ecomony and international relations with other countries.

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