Saturday, May 30, 2009

Leno to America: Goodbye! I'm Not Going Anywhere

For 17 years Jay Leno has hosted to Tonight Show and he is now going to get a nightly slot everynight. When he was asked if it was sad to hand the show over he said that is was fine honest. He always was making fun of someone or something, like jaywalking or his jokes about politics and politans. It was all very funny. But Conan O'Brian is going to take Leno's place as host of the Tonight Show and some people think that he could be to funny to replace Jay. On his final show it was a sentimental end, with kids who were born within the 17 years that he hosted came onto the stage with him. He said "Ten miles behind me Ten Thousand miles in front of me".

I think that Jay Leno is so funny and I am sad to see him go. I would stay up and watch it, espically when he did headlines, and jaywalking. But my favorite part would be the monoloug in the beginning, it was always hilarious and awsome. It almost always made me laugh. But I don't know how well Conan is going to do because he has a different way of comedy that isn't always funny or understandable. It will be tough for him, but I think that in some way he will try to be as funny as Leno. But I don't really care for Conan that much as it is so we will see if I watch the Tonight Show with Conan O'Brian. I know for sure that I will watch the primetime spot when it is on.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Polar bear attacks woman at Berlin Zoo

In April a women jumped over a fence into the water habitat of the polar bear at the Berlin Zoo. She jumped into their water during feeding time. The polar bears proceeded to attack her. Biting her and hitting her. The zookeepers then threw out life perservers and rescue rings into the water to try and get her out. They also used the rescue rings to distract the other polar bears while they tried to hoist her out of the water. At one point they had her but she ended up falling back into the water and grabbed by another bear. The zookeepers did eventually get her out of the habitat to safety. She is now being treated at a nearby hospital with severe injuries. No one knows why she went into the polar bear habitat, but the police did issue her with a trespassing citation.

I agree with Liz. Who would want to jump into a habitat especially when they are eating. I mean anyone with any commn sense wouldn't ever do that. Except for the trainers who work with the animals and feed them. It is sort of like jumping into a ocean when you are bleeding, you are going to get the animals attention in someway. But any animal even in the zoo is dangerous. They can/might resort back to their normal behavior in the wild. Even if they were raised in captivity, they still probably know what to do when someone or something comes in disrupts what is going on in the habitat. I am happy that the polar bear didn't kill the women, but what was she thinking. It is dangerous to do something like that, she was lucky that she wasn't killed and that the staff reacted so quickly to get her out of there.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

UND's Fighting Sioux nickname going away

May 14th The North Dakota Board of Higher Education voted to stop using the Fighting Sioux nickname. The university is going to keep fighting this until the deadline on October 1st. This has been a controversial subject for the students and members of the public for years now. It is a symbol of pride for years, but they need to move on and choose something new. Unless the Indian tribes let the university keep the name. But the NCAA has not let the university host any tournements at the campus because of crontrovery. One of the tribes the Spirit Lake Nation has approved the use of the logo, but the the Standing Rock Tribe will not let the univeristy keep the logo. If the change does in fact happen, the most affected area would be the 100 million Ralph Englstead Arena where the hockey teams play. When the area was built he had hundreds of logos built in, including the Fighting Sioux logo that is on the marble floor of the arena. He said that he wanted to make sure that the logo was never taken away.

I think that the logo should stay, because this is what people hear and see everyday, they are a symbol of hockey by the green and black jerseys and every other sport on the campus. The hockey area would have to be totally ripped apart because all of the granite/marble would have to come up and be replaced with something else. It wouldn't be the same or as elegant without the Sioux. Englesteadt knew what he was doing when he built the arena, with the head in the floor, making sure that this would stay forever. The fighting sioux head being biult into the bricks and everyother aspect of the hockey arena. I want it stay, but there is no way that by October 1st, the Standing Rock Tirbe will change there mind and the change will be permanant, the arena will undergo major changes to the way it looks and to the students who go there.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Screams recorded in cockpit of plane crash

February 12, 2009 was a night that killed 50 people because of a plane crash near Buffalo, New York. Around 10:00 the pilot lost control of the plane and started to head down towards that ground. It killed 49 people on the plane as well as one person in the house that the plane crashed into. About 5 minutes before the plane crashed the co-pilot said that she didn't like flying in icy conditions. '"I don't want to have to experience that and make those kinds of calls. You know I'dve freaked out. I'dve [sic] had like seen this much ice and thought, 'oh my gosh, we were going to crash," Shaw told Renslow."' Renslow was the pilot and Shaw was the co-pilot. The investigation showed that there was some ice, but not enough to cause any damge to the plane. Before the crash the recording recorded Shaw saying "We're" and then screaming. But the crash occured because the pilot didn't know how to get out of the dive that it was in, which they use a stick pusher to do. The improper way in which he used casued the crashi said the NTSB and the FAA.

I think that it is sad, because this pilot did everything correctly but this one thing that caused 50 people to die. But when they are learning how to fly they should be taught to get out of any situtaion that they are put in, that is within a certain amount of safety. Or do a flight simulation that would allow to practice these things safely without anyone getting hurt. But it was also inaproatite that they were screaming the cockpit, because I am guessing that the passengers on boared didn't know what was going on and to hear random screams would scare me to death. If i didn't know what was going on, and we were heading towards the ground, rocking back and forth, I would be worried. If they did then they probably would still be scared. But the airline industries need to better train there pilots to handle anything, like birds, or get the right amount of training.