Sunday, March 1, 2009

College for all: Is Obama's Goal Attainable?

President Obama is saying that everyone should go on to a college after high school. But just because you have a high school degree doesn't mean that you are ready for the college work that is going to come. Kati Haycock, president of the Education Trust, say that instead of just preparing the brightest students for college, instead we should prepare everyone for it, and not let the ones who do the drugs slide by. Richard Vedder says that not everyone can or is able to go to college because they lack the motovation and can't handle the college work load. Nicole Hurd, executive director of the National College Advising Corp, says that everybody is capable of going futher than high school.

I agree with Richard Vedder. I think that everybody should go to college, but i don't that everybody can because they lack the motovation to go the harder route in life. In high school you can choose to take the easy way and only graduate with just enough or you can take the harder way and take the college classes. That will help you out, it saves you money to take those classes, the more you do in high school the less money you are paying in college. But some people don't see it like that, they think of college as party time, finaly away from your parents to tell you what not to do. It is supposed to be hard and challenging so why try the classes in high school then it is only one semester other three. It is the choice of the student, whether they want to go the easy why or the hard way.

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