Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Resients Race to fill sandbags as flooding threatens North Dakota

For a while know many people in the Fargo Moorhead area are being threatened by the rising waters of the Red River. Over 6,000 homes are being threatened by the rising waters, and it not done yet. Officals say that the river should creast on Saturday at about 40ft, and flood stage is at 17 ft. Volunteers have helped fill over 310,000 on monday, with more coming the in the following days. This is some of the worst flooding that the Fargo area has seen sice 1997 and in 2001. The weather over the week will determine how much more the water will rise. Hopefully the sandbags will hold back the water so the homes that are in danger are saved.

I love the fact that people from all over are coming to volunteer to help fill sandbags and make barriers between the water and the homes. This is really a comunity effort and help is coming in of all ages. On Tuesday the group seniors from Alex went to help out and it was hard work but it payed off. They stuffed over 200 bags and hour and help save someones home. It is good that the kids wanted to go and help out, many could have said that it wasn't their problem, but every little thing helps out. What happens affects the lives of many people who live and work in that area, so to make it almost a state effort shows that the "Minnesota Nice" is really in effect. This is horrible and to know that we are making a differnce in a city that we don't live in and to help out where we can is just great.


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